

If you are using Server-Side Rendering and you are leveraging partial hydration, then you can specify an Element/Component to render for non-hydrated routes during the initial hydration of the application.

If you do not wish to specify a React element (i.e., hydrateFallbackElement={<MyFallback />}) you may specify an HydrateFallback component instead (i.e., HydrateFallback={MyFallback}) and React Router will call createElement for you internally. This feature only works if using a data router, see Picking a Router
let router = createBrowserRouter(
id: "root",
path: "/",
loader: rootLoader,
Component: Root,
children: [
id: "invoice",
path: "invoices/:id",
loader: loadInvoice,
Component: Invoice,
HydrateFallback: InvoiceSkeleton,
future: {
v7_partialHydration: true,
hydrationData: {
root: {
// No hydration data provided for the `invoice` route
There is no default fallback and it will just render null at that route level, so it is recommended that you always provide your own fallback element.